Sunday, February 10, 2013

Procrastination at it's Finest

So I'm sitting here about to write my paper (I know, procrastination at it's finest), and I can't think of anything to write about. I know this isn't a blog in response to reading, but we haven't really read anything this week. Wednesday I'm not sure what we did, I went to class and left before it started because of an emergency. There was no class Friday, instead there was optional conferences. I should have gone so maybe I wouldn't be having this problem right now but so much is going on in life it's hard to keep up. I'm re-reading stories just to see if there's the slightest similarity between me and one of the characters. Wish me luck, I'll be up all night.


  1. That happens to me a lot. It gets quite annoying at times. But just push through it all and I am always here if you need me girl. <3

  2. this happens to me all the time, but I work better under pressure. Like now Ha (: Under pressure I think more and my mind begins to venture out into places I never thought would go. Procrastination isn't good, but sometimes it helps other people like me !
